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You have finally decided to take the plunge and go with the idea of giving a shelter puppy a home they can call their own. Having a puppy in your home will definitely be a change from not having a puppy but for the most part, the good will outweigh the bad and you will always have an eager companion waiting to embrace you and give you all the love you need. You might be under the impression that you are saving a puppy from the shelter but once you take them into your care, you just might begin to notice that the puppy is doing more for you and helping you than you ever imagined. Dogs and puppies are often great for people who need emotional support so on those days when you have bad shift at the warehouse storage solutions store that you work at, you will definitely enjoy having a puppy around. 

Potty Training Is Key

Often times, the negatives about having a puppy or a dog come with their need to urinate on your belongings or rip up your carpets around the house and there are two solutions to both of these problems, you can potty train your puppy at an early age and you can get rid of the carpets in your home. Potty training is something new that you will have to learn so we suggest reading up some online articles or some books on the subject before you begin the entire process and start running into accidents all over the house.

The Puppy Necessities

When you have a puppy, it is always best to get them a dog bed or a crate so that you can have your own bed to sleep in. unless you want to get interrupted in the night when you have lady friends over in your bed, your best bet is to buy a crate or a doggy bed. Sometimes these puppy necessities can be expensive so we recommend using better steel pallet cages that you find from any warehouse or storage space as they serve the same purpose that a doggy crate does.

Keep Track Of Vaccinations

Other than the two mentioned necessities, the only thing you need to do is to keep track of your vaccinations because vaccinations are very important for the health of your puppy and often times, you will be issues a book that will help you keep track of your puppies vaccinations and checkups. Taking care of a puppy is not a difficult task. The tips mentioned above will definitely help you take the best care of your new puppy.

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